Spoken like a true teacher. I know it’s terrible, but I cringe when I see kids on the weekends. Cringe. 

I love my students, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that all week I am responsible for correcting their inappropriate behavior and those instincts don’t disappear on the weekends. I’m always afraid I will accidentally interfere with a family at dinner and tell their kids to “sit appropriately” , “use an inside voice” and exhibit “expected behavior.” And then there is the general fear held by both the students and the teachers that you will run into each other being human. Terrifying for everyone involved. ….Especially when you are in the grocery store wearing sweatpants and no make-up. Lesson learned.

This weekend I have several things to look forward to!

  • My sister in law’s baby shower!
  • Sleeping in.
  • My first St. Patrick’s Day as a Sullivan

I have a ton of prep work to do for the upcoming days, and I may have bitten off more than I can chew. I am still looking for some good recipes to prepare on Sunday. Any thoughts?!?!?! Wish me luck!


Question of the Day:

How are you celebrating St. Patrick’s Day?

2 thoughts on “TGIF!

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