Food Penpal: January

This month my Foodie Penpal  Ashley from The Big White Farmhouse hit it out of the park!

blogbadgeSTAMP Foodie Penpals

For those of you not familiar with the Foodie Penpal program, click here.

Basically every month you are paired up with a new penpal and you fill a box with fun foodie things, local food items or even homemade treats! The spending limit is $15. The box must also include something written. This can be anything from a note explaining what’s in the box, to a fun recipe…use your imagination! It’s a great way to communicate with bloggers and try new foods.

This Month’s Goodies!


Look at all those salty snacks!


These popcorn chips were my favorite!





Chocolate peanut butter “candy bars”


 I just love receiving packages of food. 🙂

Foodie Pen Pal/Elf for Health Wrap Up

Staying home from school sick sucks. As great as sitting on the couch all day watching tv sounds, it’s pretty miserable. For one, daytime television is awful! Luckily, I still have 2 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy to watch. 🙂

Two, it’s very lonely being home alone when you feel sick. I have no one to whine and complain to. While I’m ranting, do you have any idea how frustrating it is to have zero voice?! I keep forgetting, and then I go to open my mouth and nothing comes out. I actually had to write down what was wrong with me and hand it to the doctor yesterday.

OK. Enough ranting. This month I got back into the foodie Pen Pal program.

The Lean Green Bean

This month I received a package from Ellen.


Spicy chili chocolate, Chomps energy chews, nutrition shake mix,


Ginger candies, energy gel, and pumpkin granola!


My penpal also sent me 2 Simple bars which I admit, I ate before I remembered to take a picture.  Ooops!

So far I have had the bars, the ginger candies, and the pumpkin granola and they have all been delicious.


Ok onto my week 1 of Elf For Health Challenge

version3edited Elf for Health Holiday Challenge

This week’s challenges were as follows:

  • Monday, November 26- Go Meatless Today- Show us your delicious meat-free eats!
  • Tuesday, November 27- Send a card or handwritten note to a friend.
  • Wednesday, November 28- Try a new workout today!
  • Thursday, November 29-Get up 15 minutes early to mediate and reflect
  • Friday, November 30- How many different colors can you eat today? Challenge yourself!
  • Saturday, December 1- Clean out your closet! Fill a bag with clothes to donate to Goodwill



Meatless meals are a challenge in this house. Basically, every recipe we make starts with the protein. It took some real thought and some help from my fellow elf4health-ers to come up with this meal.  Whole wheat pasta, peppers, spinach, and tomatoes topped with Parmesan cheese and a fried egg.




We finally finished our thank you notes from the wedding. 🙂

Wednesday: Since I was feeling so cruddy and having major asthma issues, exercise of any kind was out of the question. 😦


During my morning reflection, I realized that I needed to listen to my body and take a sick day and finally go to the doctor.  I’m so glad I did. 🙂

Ok, time to get back to the couch. I’m not in a chatty mood. Catch ya later.