My fitness pal

So as I mentioned before, one of my current goals is to be in tip top shape by October 6th, aka the big day. Although I tend to eat pretty healthy, I have a serious problem with portion control! One tool that I have began  to use to help me stay on track is a program called myfitnesspal. For those who are unfamiliar, here is the like to their site. I use their Andriod mobile app and it is fantastic! I tend to be on the slow side as far as technology is concerned, but this program is super user friendly. My favorite feature is the food entry. They are so specific with names and brands that you really get an accurate reading on how many calories you have consumed. They even have calorie counts for items served at common restaurants!! I also tend to forget that the more you work out, the more calories you need to intake. MFP factors the calories you have burned that day into the amount of calories you need to eat so at the end of the day my stomach and muscles  feel satisfied.

It also holds me accountable for the things I eat. When I first started using the program, I would go to eat something and think, ugh, if I eat that I’m gunna have to add it to my food journal. 8 times out of 10 I put the food down (unless its chocolate of course)! I also found myself doing an extra minute on the treadmill or two just so I could enter it into my fitness log!  🙂 Hey, any little bit helps right?

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